
About Us

We Educate Islam & Essential Skills!

Welcome to our Islamic and English based School. Our mission is to help learners develop a deep understanding of both Islamic and English teachings. We believe that education is essential for personal and spiritual growth, and we are committed to providing accessible and inclusive learning opportunities for all.
Educational Programs

Step By Step Systematic Education

Our program is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed academically and personally. We offer a range of courses and resources that cater to the needs of students from diverse backgrounds and educational levels.

Creative Learning Opportunity For Student

Morbi mauris augue, pulvinar quis luctus eget, pretium sed massa. Phasellus gravida lacus quis eros lobortis, nec dapibus quam gravida. Duis sed augue vitae felis pellentesque varius nec quis nunc.
School Facilities

Engaging & Spacious School Campus

Hise sed augue vitae felis pellentesque varius nec quis nunc. Morbi mauris augue, pulvinar quis luctus eget. Phasellus gravida lacus quis eros lobortis, nec dapibus quam gravida.
Our classroom is a comfortable and welcoming learning space designed to promote effective teaching and learning. We believe that the learning environment plays an important role in the learning experience, and we have created a classroom that fosters engagement and collaboration.
We understand that many of our students come from out of town or overseas and need a safe and comfortable place to stay while they are studying with us. To accommodate our students, we offer modern and well-equipped hostel accommodation on campus.
we understand the importance of play in a child's development. Our play area is designed to provide a safe and fun environment for children to play, socialize, and develop their motor skills.
we believe that a healthy diet is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods can help prevent chronic diseases, boost energy levels, and promote overall health and wellbeing.
Students Admission
Total No.of Class
No.of Teachers
Years Experience






International Environment

Students Friendly Education System

Welcome to the International Islamic Environmental organization, a platform that brings together Muslims from around the world who are passionate about preserving the environment in accordance with Islamic principles.
Meet Our Professional

Teachers & Management

our teacher and management team work to ensure that our organization is a vibrant and effective platform for Islamic education and community engagement. We welcome you to explore our website, learn more about our organization, and join us in our mission to promote peace, unity, and justice through the teachings of Islam.
Activity Programs

Smart Activities

These are just a few examples of Islamic activities that can be incorporated into a student's learning experience. The key is to make learning about Islam engaging, fun, and relevant to their lives.

News about our Education


Visual Teaching Methodology!

Visual teaching methodology can be a powerful tool for enhancing the learning experience and promoting student engagement and understanding. By using visual aids, multimedia tools, and emphasizing visual literacy, teachers can create a more dynamic and effective learning environment for their students.
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Your Children’s Creativity Works!

Children's creativity is an important aspect of their development, and can have a positive impact on their cognitive, emotional, and social growth. Encouraging and supporting children's creativity can help them to become more confident, innovative, and resilient individuals.
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Creative Hands On Learning!

Creative hands-on learning is a powerful approach to teaching that can help students to become more engaged, motivated, and confident learners. By providing students with opportunities to learn through hands-on activities and projects, educators can foster creativity, curiosity, and a lifelong love of learning.
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Your Children’s Creativity Works!

Children's creativity is a powerful force that can help them to develop important skills and abilities. Here are some ways in which children's creativity works:
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Happy Parents

Our Testimonials

School testimonials are statements from students, parents, or staff members about their experiences with a particular school. These testimonials can be a powerful tool for attracting new students and building a positive reputation for the school
News Letter

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By subscribing, visitors' parents can stay informed about upcoming events, important announcements, and other news related to our school.
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