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Programs Details

Home Programs Details

Extracurricular Programs

  • Sports and Physical Education

    • Includes soccer, basketball, swimming, and other physical activities.
  • Arts and Music

    • Programs in visual arts, music, and drama to foster creative expression.
  • Community Service

    • Opportunities for students to engage in volunteer work and community projects.
  • Leadership and Debate

    • Activities and training to develop public speaking, critical thinking, and leadership skills.

Way to Learn

As a result, the child should have a reasonable amount of freedom to do as they please, while at the same time being wholly immersed in an environment which stimulates their senses as well as exercising their creativity. Literally their classroom is their world, providing exposure to materials and experiences that foster greater intellectual growth. You will love it.

Please take a moment to read this website, and I’m sure that you will come to agree that there would be better place.

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Full Day with Learning

With the help of teachers and the environment as the third teacher, students
have opportunities to confidently take risks.

Hour Activity
8:00am Free Play
8:30am Sand Pit
9:00am Tattoo Corner
9:30am Creativity Corner
10:00am Food Time
Hour Activity
10:30am Creativity Corner
11:00am Food Time
11:30am Free Play
12:00am Tattoo Corner
12:30am Sand Pit
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More Information

The past thirteen years have been memorable for the free kinder garten movement in the United States. Previous to that time, the work was largely private, experimental.

  • Semester start and end dates, holidays
  • Accreditation & Bear Facts
  • Graduate Division
  • Research at Our School
  • Textbooks: Cal Student Store

More Programs

Kindedo opened its doors in 1984 with a unique vision to provide its students
with a globally focused study of arts.

Community Involvement

Our parental and community engagement program includes workshops for parents, community events, and volunteer opportunities, fostering strong partnerships between families and the school to support student success and enrichment.

Academic Programs

Mainz Islamic International School offers a diverse academic curriculum from early childhood to secondary education, integrating core subjects with Islamic studies, and providing advanced programs like the International Baccalaureate.Mainz Islamic International School offers a diverse academic curriculum from early childhood to secondary education, integrating core subjects with Islamic studies, and providing advanced programs like the International Baccalaureate.

Islamic Studies Programs

Our Islamic Studies programs encompass Qur'an memorization, Islamic history, culture, Hadith, and Fiqh studies, providing a comprehensive understanding of Islamic teachings and traditions in a supportive environment.

Extracurricular Programs

Our extracurricular programs include sports, arts, community service, and leadership activities, enhancing students’ skills and fostering holistic development.

Extracurricular Programs

Our extracurricular programs offer a range of activities including sports, arts, community service, and leadership, designed to complement academic learning and promote students’ physical, creative, and social development.

Special Programs

Our special programs include language immersion, STEM education, and counseling services, tailored to enhance bilingual skills, foster innovation, and provide personalized support, ensuring a well-rounded and supportive educational experience.

About Us

Mainz Islamic International School offers a balanced education focused on Islamic values and academic excellence. We nurture young minds with a strong moral foundation, fostering leadership, integrity, and spiritual growth for global citizens.